Training camps
A broad experience of athletes in various training camps, experience exchanges or participation in international competitions means a much higher level of performance. Training alongside foreign athletes and coaches and participating in international competitions give Romanian gymnasts a complete and competitive experience package, which boosts their level as sportspersons. TARGET/PARTICIPATION: €400,000/YEAR You can support the […]

Raising Stars Academy
The “Raising Stars” gymnastics academy is dedicated to children between the ages of 4 and 11, located in rural and disadvantaged environments. The financing of such an academy will be carried out on the basis of a competition announced by the Association of Municipalities and Villages in Romania and will have as its destination the […]

Mini-gym equipment
We strongly believe in the physical and mental benefits of practicing gymnastics from an early age. Each club affiliated to the Romanian Gymnastics Federation has the space and human resources necessary to run a mini-gym type program. We want to equip training rooms with this specific equipment to promote gymnastics among the very young and […]

Medical Insurance
Performance involves sacrifice. The risk of injury increases in direct proportion to the level of performance, and we wish to protect all of our high performance gymnasts. Injury prevention, rehabilitation and medical services help junior and senior athletes perform at their best. Olympic, national teams and junior Olympic training centers need safety! TARGET/ SPORTS: 2000 […]

Competitons & Championships
The competitive calendar is extremely expensive and very strictly budgeted. In most of the cases, due to the strict budget, awarding the athletes cannot be achieved. We want to provide gymnasts with prizes at every sports competition so that we can boost their motivation and financial security to represent us on the international stage without […]

Digital methods to increase sports performance
Digital infrastructure increases sports performance by optimizing training programs for both athletes and coaches. The digitization of these programs not only means less wasted time for the team, but also better performance, much more accurate monitoring, a series of in-depth reports on sports activity and an overview of what needs to be improved. You can […]
Bucharest, Romania

A career for athletes alongsides sports.
In the life of a high-performance athlete, Olympic goals are his top priority, and the certainty of a career crowned with glory gives him the confidence and strength to carry on. Dual education, access and participation of gymnasts in classes according to the interests and affinities of each means a safety net, more focus in […]

TOP 10
We want to give thanks to the best Romanian gymnasts. Every year, the best 10 juniors and seniors in Romania are designated based on sports results, for each individual discipline. We want to reward them for their dedication and thousands of hours spent in the training process. TARGET: €22,000/YEAR You can support the cause by […]